Brick by Brick
A big symptom of unresolved grief or trauma is the nervous system feeling unregulated operating in an overactive state. One way this manifests physically is constantly doing things that keep the mind stimulated. With today’s technology and distractions, you don’t even need to be in survival mode to be in this headspace. We almost know nothing else but to be separate from ourselves.
This move for Jolly is intense. After her self-exile she takes on the task of a complete rewire of everything she has known. She feels her way through a period of shock absorbing this new environment. Bypassing pain and discomfort is a default, but Jolly is learning in this space there is much beauty to be discovered. Brick by brick she starts to build her new home replacing the noise with peace—chaotic traffic and nights out to stillness. This nudge in her belly is the only thing that is guiding her to explore this new exciting world that starts to leak out from the inside, adding more colour to her life.