There is something about Jolly’s consistent presence that slowly dissolves Sugg’s walls. He seems to have the same influence on her. Their relationship starts really rocky and untrusting with a shifting power dynamic.
It plays out this way because they are both mirrors unaware that they are reflecting their avoidant personalities to each other. Sugg’s ego is his defence mechanism that hides a deep pain. Because of this his ego overrides his ability to offer emotional safety. Jolly’s distant personality and fear of abandonment trigger and fuel their dismissive dance. Seeing yourself in someone else can be difficult at first. It can be hard to admit that you may be, or act a way you don’t prefer. If these mirrors are utilized as gifts of learning, the whole world around you can change.
Sugg is a natural born teacher with insights he shares using what he knows best, the sea. On a path toward her self-discovery, Jolly unknowingly catapults Sugg onto his. This gift is recycled back to her offering a new awareness that is needed to unlock her next mystery.